

April 2004



The recent local Pine Rivers Shire Council (PRSC) election results where most things remain status quo, and the recent proposal put up at a particular event organised by a certain group with key members of the Pine Rivers community for their future proposal to Lakeside. I can say this trust concept was borne out of my original proposals. The Brooklands society in the UK, responsible for the oldest autodrome circuit in the world, have been the group responsible for the part heritage of this magnificent historic venue, now owned by Mercedes Benz. This society's actions was the inspiration for my involvement in the heritage listing of Lakeside, and in very early days I had expressed openly how the society kept the former owners (Vickers) honest in not destroying what was left of this once grand circuit, that officially operated from 1907 to 1939 prior to World War II.

I wish to further express we will be dealing with many of the same councillors and most likely the same people involved in the council's strategy department handling Lakeside's future, most likely this means more drawn out resolutions to Lakeside's affairs, in fact in any future expression of interest I could well see management being given to a group such as the PCYC or a similar group going on current form.

We 'Friends of Lakeside' were able to achieve several key factors in the Provisional heritage listing. Keeping the existing town planning was one to further motoring activities at Lakeside. Considering the other groups attempts to assume our groups position, they make a rushed effort in a proposal for a trust that would destroy the one of the very thing that we achieved in the Heritage listing of Lakeside, I.E. part of their proposal suggests the possibilities that portions of Lakeside be leased or sold for private residential and other, and this was one of the very things that we were trying to prevent in the destruction of this motoring icon in Australia's motor racing history.

Encroachment of any residential development is extremely detrimental to any form of motor sporting activities on our Heritage listed Lakeside.

Furthermore we need to make it very clear in the name of "Friends of Lakeside" to the EPA Heritage department that any suggestion by this other group to consider any reduction to the full heritage of Lakeside is the precise thing that I set out to ensure would never happen by my sitting down with much consultation not only with the project officer but also with the research officer (that handled the entire case history for this proposal to the heritage board), listing every structure standing on the property and outlining the exact boundary lines pondering over town planning maps with this officer to ensure full coverage, and therefore heritage listing of the entire Lakeside precinct, thus achieving that Lakeside would not suffer from future residential subdivisions.


We have almost 5000 confirmed supporters, and this is not reflective to our credible 6100 site visits, and I must ask all supporters to make individual efforts in making requests that the heritage department never consider any breakup or subdivision of the heritage listed Lakeside complex. There are many other aspects that will need to be addressed to ensure the overall proposal of Lakeside's historical future. This would ensure amongst such things as historical museums, club events, but more importantly national and international revival festival events to ensure Lakeside's absolute historical future that would benefit Queensland and Australia motorsport.


Friends of Lakeside can claim we have achieved Heritage Listing and seen the achievement of motor activities at Lakeside.


Any further inquiries may be directed to Mr Trevor "Shelby" Beutel.