



Update July 2006

As the original Co- Director of "Friends of Lakeside" responsible for the "Heritage of Lakeside", which still after the removal from the Queensland Heritage Register, is the only thing that keeps what remains of the complex intact until 2010, through the out of court settlement, for what I say was the surrender (for what Godly reason) of the E.P.A. and the Crown Law, to the P.R.S.C.. In my own words, simply the higher Government Authorities didn't want to spend the money to save something of true Heritage Cultural Significance, as against a lower Government Authority's selfish,disrespectful, Careless, Greed. This has gone from bad to worse in several ways I don't know how you can have a half of a tenth of Heritage When you really haven't got Heritage anymore. Legally to myself it's astounding.

There really needs to be a Court of Inquiry into this entire affair. Moving onto the latest chapter of Lakeside International Raceway, there is one very important fact by removing Heritage This allows the removal of the Motor Racing Town Zoning Plan, by Local Government, to what ever they like, and there isn't any wonder what that is now. This agreement through the recent so called "Expressions of Interest" P.R.S.C. and QR have made for myself is a very big let down. My understanding this has a certain collusion for all the wrong reasons, and we truly won't ever see Lakeside returned to any full type of glory days.There is one very common disgraceful fact in this so called agreement, there are several restrictions and requirements that restrain the real purpose of what a real agreement should have been about. (Please PRSC/QR, prove me wrong for the 200 so called days).We will be lucky to see one event of any worth. It's my understanding that an Expression of Interest has a much more easy out for all concerned unlike a tender or contract. So this is a complete shame. If we can't stop Lakeside's slow destruction, soon, by 2010 it's goodbye for-ever.




Trevor (Shelby) Beutel

Mobile 0418 789 307